Author Kali Segieda / Category Home Exercises / Published: Mar-24-2020
Quarantine Has Changed All of Our Schedules.
Staying home 24/7 and also sticking to a productive schedule can be extremely difficult, even with a daily workout guide added to your routine. With social isolation in full swing, it’s easy to fall in the trap of just mindlessly being on your phone all day. But in this article, we will help guide you through more productive habits!
Within the span of a few days, everyone’s schedule was flipped upside down. It’s okay to feel like you haven’t been productive enough during your time in quarantine, so don’t stress it too much-- It’s just as valid to use some of this time to rest from your normally crazy schedule. But if you are getting completely restless, think of this time to reset your energy and focus on getting things done that have been on your to-do list for months.
With that, here are five tips that have really helped us stay productive during stay-at-home orders!
1. Stick To a Routine
What time did you usually wake up for school or work before quarantine? Stick to that schedule as much as you can. It’s okay to let yourself sleep in an extra 30 minutes to an hour, especially on weekends, but make sure you aren’t staying up all night and sleeping the day away. This can lead to a lack of motivation and leave you feeling unproductive.
Keep in mind that our brains like routine. Routine is essential in times of uncertainty so if that’s waking up, washing your face, taking your dogs for a walk, decluttering your closet, and watching a few episodes of Netflix, that is perfectly fine.
2. Eat Well and Pay Attention to Your Nutrition
Food fuels your body. While it’s nice to treat yourself every now and then, it’s just as important to nourish your body with the nutrients it needs. According to Forbes, diet has a more direct impact on work output and productivity levels than most of us realize.
Eating the wrong foods can drastically affect the way your brain and body functions. For example, if you are eating too many unhealthy carbs like sugar, bread, and processed foods you may find that it would have an affect on your insulin levels and daily energy reserves.
3. Get Your Body Moving
Moving your body at least once a day is crucial for motivation. If you are starting to feel lazy, get up and get your body moving because that can help pump those endorphins into your body.
And if you need more than an alarm clock to get yourself up and working out, consider getting some cute workout clothes to put some pep into your step. If you’re anything like me, I get so excited to put on my new leggings each morning that I look forward to my daily workout!
4. Journaling
Mental health is just as important as physical health during a time like this. If you don’t already journal, this is a great time to start! There is just something about putting pen to paper to ease our minds. Writing down your daily thoughts allow you to let go of all the feelings associated with them, good or bad.
You can start journaling by writing down your short/long term goals, your daily thoughts, what you are thankful for, and your daily to-do list. The opportunities are endless! Journaling helps you to have mental clarity and can be extremely insightful for short-term and long-term goals. We love this journal.
5. Keep Your Mind Sharp
We may have a lot of “free time,” but that doesn’t mean it should translate to spending many hours on social media. Keep your mind sharp with a book or puzzle. Did you know that hobbies can help maintain our brain health? If you’ve been putting off buying that new book you’ve had a lack of time to read, now is the time!
The best way to stay engaged is through challenging activities like puzzles and online courses. Keeping your mental health and wellbeing your first priority should be essential during this time of crisis. Not only do these things keep our minds sharp, but they also play a role in distracting us from this global pandemic for a few hours.
What are you doing today to stay productive?
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